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Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 18 May 2021

SOS with Jennifer Elizabeth Masters

SOS with Jennifer Elizabeth Masters
Talk Show:
Jennifer Elizabeth Masters

SOS with Jennifer Elizabeth masters



Jennifer Master’s Bundled Guided Energy Clearings will help you release old patterns and transition to the next step of your life with grace and ease.

I’ve Been Told I Am THE Badass Healer You Want On Your Side!

I spent countless years crying in my bathroom over the men who hurt me, didn’t understand me, lied, cheated took my money and never satisfied me in bed. Not any more! I discovered how to get it all and a joy of life that surpasses anything I’d ever imagined.

Strong women have a tendency to give up their power to make their guy feel better. When we give away our power to our partner we kill our personal fire. When our fire goes out so does the passion. When our passion dies we feel dead and numb. The great news is you don’t have to dump your partner to have the kickass life. 

You Need A Badass Coach For A KickAss Life!

I’ve had my share of rodeos and barn burnings. I’ve weathered the storms of life, death and relationships. What I’ve learned in my thirty-five years of transformation will help you change yours. I won’t blow smoke up your ass or anywhere else. I’ll tell you straight and get you across the finish line in time for champagne. 

I’ll celebrate your wins and cry with your pain. I’m here to get you the kickass life you’ve always wanted.

My clients committed to expansion and growth. They are doctors, famous authors, attorneys, Spiritual leaders, therapists, movie producers and people just like you. Wayne Dyer was not only a client, but a friend. I have coached and helped resolve marital issues, broken hearts, heal childhood trauma, find love and pray their desires into reality. 

I empower committed highly successful women and men around the world to become self-realized, awakened breaking free of past trauma, limiting beliefs, emotional triggers that kept them stuck, depressed and anxious. I help you joyfully kick down the blocks that stand in the way, opening your heart to align you with your higher purpose infinite self and light. Your inner fire, passion ignite so you live a fulfilled, purpose-filled and joyful life

Talk Show Program Archives for Podcasting

SOS, March 26, 2021 Guest, Karim Hermani
SOS , March 11, 2021 Guest, Ariel Resuta
SOS , February 26, 2021 Guest, Julie Martin
SOS , February 12, 2021 Guest, Ashlee Kozac
SOS , January 29, 2021 Guest, Adam Gates
SOS , January 15, 2021 with Jennifer Elizabeth Massters
SOS , January 1, 2021 Guest, Adam Gates
SOS , December 18, 2020 Guest, Two-Time Grammy Award Winner, Peter Kater
SOS , December 4, 2020 Guest, Dr. Amandha Vollmer, The Yummy Doctor
SOS , November 20, 2020 Guest, Linzi Levinson, Masterful Coach
SOS , November 6, 2020 Narcissists and Empaths
SOS , October 23, 2020 Navigating Narcissistic Relationships
SOS , October 9, 2020 Everyone has Birth Trauma
SOS , September 25, 2020 Men, Pornography and Sex
SOS , September 11, 2020 The Female Orgasm
SOS , August 28, 2020 TNT = Dynamite
SOS , August 14, 2020 Narcissism seems to be rampant today.
SOS , July 31, 2020 Beyond the Law of Attraction
SOS , July 17, 2020 With the news of Jeffrey Epstein's and Ghislaine's recent arrest
SOS , July 3, 2020 Discover Freedom From Obstacles

Featured Guests


Guest, Ashlee Kozac February 12, 2021
Jennifer Elizabeth Masters
Los Angeles
Other Websites:
Soul Sculptor motivational speaker, Best-selling author, intuitive healer, channel and coach

Jennifer is a Soul Sculptor motivational speaker, Best-selling author, intuitive healer, channel and coach. For over a decade Jennifer has empowered thousands to break the mold of past trauma, and codependency, to find love, passion, purpose and enlightenment changing people’s lives and relationships helping them heal co-dependency, addictions, depression, anxiety, suicidal tendencies, fears and suffering. Some of her clients have been, movie producers, attorneys, famous spiritual leaders and authors. Wayne Dyer was not only a client but also a friend.

Overcoming her own trauma has allowed Jennifer an expansive depth of life experience which has given her wisdom, compassion, and understanding for others who struggle with issues around love, money, anxiety, depression, and feeling lost. Jennifer healed herself of an auto-immune disease, tumors, breast cancer, depression, anxiety, Fibromyalgia, co-dependency and financial issues. In the last two months Jennifer healed skin cancer on her nose she had for over six years within one 24-hour period day.

Jennifer is the healer's healer. She is a modern-day Mystic, an International Best-Selling Author, Channel, transformational coach, Hypnotherapist, Neurolinguistic Programming Practitioner, reads the Akashic Records is a Master Energy Healer, ordained minister and mother of three spiritually grounded awake adults.

Jennifer’s personal healing journey has taken her all around the world from the UK, Europe, India, Bali and across the United States and Canada. From Master Gardener; owning her own landscape design business, For Heaven Scapes, Ltd. for eleven years shifting to a thriving healing practice full-time Jennifer is as flexible as she is authentic. She is a fearless woman who radiates light, compassion, with an ability to laugh at herself that sets her clients at ease. Living in the Vortex of creation she leads a magical life. Jennifer exudes the energy of creation creating miracles for herself and clients. She assists entrepreneurs to create their dream life and business.

What her clients like best about her is that she listens without judgment, is completely present and is highly tuned into the Divine, The Ascended Masters, Guides and Universal which profoundly assists her get to the root of your issue quickly and get it cleared.

Jennifer has authored over 1,200 articles, 5 books, and two audiobooks. 

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Fantastic Show.  Absolutely magnifient.  I loved every word.......... and how often can someone say that?  Practical, Important, Impactful and Knowledgeable.

Tune in and GROW!