As You Wish Talk Radio with James Gilliland. Up to date info on what's happening on the multi-dimensional planes, with call-ins.
As You Wish Talk Radio with James Gilliland - James interviews Michael Tellinger about what's happening with the UBUNTU movement. UBUNTU's ONE SMALL TOWN PLAN OF ACTION concept is beginning to spread around the globe. This concept uses the current system to create communities of abundance which then lead to understanding how contributionism will lead us into the 5th Dimensional concept of no money. Be sure to take a look at the websites for more information. Michael Tellinger will also be doing a workshop at ECETI in June 2017.
Ole Dammegard returns to share over 30 years of extensive research into false flag events, murders of top politicians, musicians, movie stars, "lone gun assassinations", and common threads to assist in identifying false flags. Ole offers empowering ways we can participate, with the intention of shedding light into these dark acts, designed to create terror.
Hold on to your hats. In this fast-paced presentation, Santos Bonacci treats us to a mind-blowing cosmology and spiritual landscape. Santos Bonacci, renowned for his activism in several areas of political and economic sovereignty, and for his wide-ranging esoteric scholarship, connects the dots between astrology, etymology, theology, anatomy, cosmology, and physics to outline a vision of a transcendent world beyond matter and energy, beyond wave-particle duality, beyond 'quanta'.
December 30, 2016
To Alexandra
The final stage has been set for Ascension of All things with a consciousness, for earth and humanity which reside in the farthest point from which this event started. This Ascension includes 350,000 billion quadrillion sectors that will be ascending simultaneously. All will be where they are supposed to be at the time of full ascension.
In this video, Alexandra delivers an exciting and historic message from Prime Creator. She precedes the message with a summary of recent events that attest to the remarkable changes the world is going through.
The statements suggested by Prime Creator are in bold. Thank all of you for the beautiful and supportive messages coming in. And many have asked about defining a sector. Here it is:
1 Sector equals the following:
David Gallup, a human rights lawyer, President of World Services Authority, gives us a riveting, whirlwind tour of the principles of world citizenship, world government, and human rights, and explains the WSA's own issuance of the World Passport on behalf of the World Government for World Citizens. This passport is not intended immediately to replace national citizenship, but to further global political consciousness and to serve those who have had their national citizenship and human rights stripped away from them.