Johnny Blue Star, producer and host of Inalienable and Free joins his co-host, Hugo Rodier, MD. an integrative physician discuss the concerns and actions leading up to the attack on the alleged chemical weapons strike by the United States, France and Great Britain. We learn how very conservative Tucker Carlson and Liberty Report Hosts, Ron Paul and Daniel McAdams, despite their different ideologies, express extreme skepticism prior to the incident.
Johnny Blue Star, producer and cohost of Inalienable and Free” joins his co-host, Hugo Rodier, an integrative physician with a common concern for the political health of the citizens of the U.S.- discuss immigration policies in the United States from a spiritual perspective- based on the words and principles defined by the Declaration and the Constitution. Dreamers are immigrants who often lived most of their young lives here and had been brought over by non-documented parents.
Johnny Blue Star & Dr. Hugo Rodier, an integrative physician with a concern for the political health of the citizens of the U.S.- discuss immigration policies in the United States from a spiritual perspective- based on the words and principles defined by the Declaration and the Constitution.
Johnny Blue Star, producer and host of Inalienable and Free joins his co-host, Hugo Rodier, an integrative physician with a common concern for the political health of the citizens of the U.S.- discuss the extreme volatility of government policies the week preceding April 7th 2018. Together they discuss Trump’s declaration of the death of DACA and the surprisingly quick execution of his ordering of the National Guard to our Southern Border.
Julian Rose returns for an update on global shifts and the implementation of the NWO.
His Gospel Power with Dr Rick Hertless and Ron Steudle
There are False Teachers Among You
Do not be fooled by claims of siting of the Savior. There is only one Savior and he is Jesus Christ. He promises that he will return, but his imminent return will be witnessed by the entire world. Therefore, do not look for him anywhere other than the clouds. His soon return will be seen by the entire world. Until then, proclaim his glory.
His Gospel Power with Dr Rick Hertless and Ron Steudle
Prophecy was not given by men, but by God. God’s prophecy was given to men to deliver the message to all who would heed its message. God’s desire is for all to follow him and be saved. It is his desire to see all of his Creation in Heaven. Unfortunately, there are many who will not heed the warning. Don’t be one of them; follow God today and understand that he wants you to live the abundant life which is in Jesus.
His Gospel Power with Dr Rick Hertless and Ron Steudle
12-6-17 – 2Peter 1:19 – Listen to the Words of The Prophets
God sent the prophets as witnesses to the power of God. He sent them as a precursor to the coming Messiah as well as a witness to his birth. We are to proclaim his majesty to the entire world, unwavering because of circumstances. Understanding that God is not shackled to circumstance and neither are Believers.
His Gospel Power with Dr Rick Hertless and Ron Steudle
12-5-17 – 2Peter 1:18 – Witnesses to the Power of Jesus
Peter, James and John were witnesses to the power of Jesus on the Mount of Transfiguration. We are to be witnesses of him through our lives. Even when we encounter struggles, we must still give glory and honor to God, knowing that we will overcome through the power of Jesus.