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Winner of the Prague Peace Prize in 2016, returning guest Ole Dammegard focuses on the linked assassinations of John F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King.  New evidence reveals that King lived after the balcony shot, and we discover the gruesome details of his untimely death.  Ole provides the larger picture of the same groups who are responsible.  These controlled events, false flags, go back a very long time.  Check out his website for more information!

Conscious Thought with Leo with Magdalena Winkler and guest Kevin Hancock, Hancock Lumbar Company from Maine.  

Conscious Thought with Leo with Magdalena Winkler and guest Cheril Goodrich,  Miracle Alchemist. The topic for tonight is On the 8th day., the revolution of the Spirit. what is a miracle, what's the purpose, what we can do in this times of extreme changes? We are moving from linear timeline to spiral and what that means. Pain in the body and the meaning and more...   

Ole Dammegard returns for a more detailed account of his extensive research into false flags, and related assassinations of politicians, musicians and major movie stars.  Chemtrails, vaccinations, fluoride in our water, GMOs and the degradation of our planet are aspects of the same invisible hands pulling the strings.  He offers solutions and positive approaches for daily life, which undermine the above and empower us as individuals.

Conscious Thought with Leo with Magdalena Winkler and guest Adam Sicinski ,from IQ Matrix. Tonight topic Power of visual thinking . 

Conscious Thought with Leo with Magdalena Winkler anf guest Cher Tanner, Community coordinator for Pachamama Alliance in Tampa Bay area. Living in Harmony with Nature and out Planet.Awakening the Dreamer, changing the Dream. Cher Tanner advocates for Pachamama Alliance. Most recently, Cher devotes her time, effort and energy to being a Community Coordinator for the Pachamama Alliance Tampa Bay (PATB) community.

Reverend Bill McDonald shares a wealth of life experiences - from Viet Nam and Agent Orange to more subdued tones of orange worn by his spiritual teachers, and his Guru!  An incredible life, going stronger with each year...

Timothy J Glenn returns with some surprising updates for 2016!  During this show, he talks about Nemesis, also known as Niburu or Wormwood, and 2016 being the defining year for earth and humanity...with a chuckle or two!  He mentions Robert Sutton Harrington's video in which he talks with Sitchin called "Are We Alone"?  and mentions the Bob Dean 2008 Niburu interview with Kerry Cassidy.  We return to the vast nature of the "Cosmic Matrix", run by A.I., and "where did the Annunaki go?"  This is one show not to miss!

Michael J Murphy returns with news about his 3rd film on geoengineering (chemtrails), called "UNconventional Grey - Geoengineering and the Climate Change Agenda", to be released this June.  He is empowering us, in this last film, to take action to stop chemtrails legally, and ties geoengineering to "Agenda 21", which just passed, synchronized with other corporate partnerships to remove the last of our freedom.

John of God, ECETI, Healed by ET’s and more! This week Cassandra Dunn will join us with her incredible story on Reach For It Radio! Reach For It Radio, hosted by best-selling author Christina Winslow, offers you a fresh, new kind of talk radio. Tune in daily for an enlightening and entertaining perspective about life, love, finances, spirituality, health, and business as Christina challenges the status quo and helps listeners to reach higher to attain what they want out of life.