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Writer, Author, Alien Agenda Researcher
Doctor in Computer Engineering, Scientist, Nuclear Researcher, Author, Writer, Inventor, Entrepreneur, Marketing Director, Scholar, Philosopher, Meditator, Lecturer, Speaker
Physicist, Senior Engineering Specialist, Fusion Investigator, Professor, Writer, 9-11 Truther, Archaeometrist
Physicist, Director, Scientist, Inventor, Project Earth Founder, New Energy Technology Developer
Author, Surgeon, Doctor of Medicine, Doctor of Natural Medicine, Age Management Researcher, Chelation Certified
Drill Instructor, U.S. Air Force, Senior Strategic Analyst, Projects Manager, International Trouble Shooter, Aerospace Consultant, APeX Developer
Near Death Researcher, Professor, Psychiatrist, Neurobehavioral Scientist, Founder International Association for Near-Death Studies, Editor, Writer
Political Activist, Lobbyist, Commentator, Executive Director of Paradigm Research Group, Lecturer, UFO Disclosure Activist