GROUNDING MEDITATIONS for your shift in Consciousness. Stay Grounded during these transformational times. How to Meditate and be present in your body.
The Debut Show of Evolve 2b on BBS Radio!
We open our energy bodies to the high vibrational frequencies and shift our consciousness. This shift in consciousness allows us to become a multidimensional being and we can start to live from the heart.
The Debut Show of Angels Are Near Us on the BBS Radio Network!
Michael Eastwood lives on the Isle of Wright, in the United Kingdom. He is considered one of the top experts in using crystals for healing and with his cards we'll find out more about his fascinating background and how crystals heal.
What happens when you use the art of positive thinking and the freedom of spiritual well-being with the business of getting desirable results? How can one get out of the way and lead others, creating a culture of innovation and fearlessness? Join John Murphy and me and find out.
Ronna Prince, a filmmaker, intuitive counselor and spiritual teacher, has taken on the challenge of sharing the story of her personal journey of opening up her heart to live life with more powerful purpose, passion and peace. This film is very nicely done with a powerful messages shared by a number of prominent people...each of whom has walked their own journey of self-discovery.