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We will be discussing the way Lorraine works as a Transformational Therapist and why past lives are so valuable to people in understanding their lives.  She teaches classes around the world and you have a chance to hear some of her unusual stories.  Join us.

Faith & belief are two words that seem to go hand-in-hand. Margaret has chosen to research the various cultures and their belief systems, sharing the various perceptions that they have evolved through.  Many people are restructuring their understandings in amazing ways. We'll find out more when we chat with Margaret Johnston.

The Debut of The Voice of the Ashtar Command with Commander Lady Athena Sheran - Show #1 on BBS Radio!

Evolve 2b with Audree Tara Weitzman - 16th show on BBS Radio!

The theme of this show was 'Searching for Miracles' and presenting the concept of 'Total Immunity from Disease'. Also included details concerning the full understanding of disease. 

The Aborigines are a wonderful people whose healing techniques have been of great value for hundreds if not thousands of years.  We'll find out some of their techniques.  Join us.

A short time after her death, a mother communicates with her daughter who channels the information given to her.  Could this happen to you?  What did her mother want the daughter to know?  We'll find out.