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Serge Kahili King, Ph.D., has published the world's largest selection of books and tapes on Huna, the Polynesian philosophy and practice of effective living, and on the spirit of Aloha, the attitude of love and peace for which the Hawaiian Islands are so famous. In addition to speaking and teaching in many countries, he has formed Aloha International, a world-wide network of teachers, counselors, massage therapists and more than ten thousand individual members for the purpose of sharing his teachings.

This week we welcome Wabun Wind as our guest. She is a journalist and author, and had the distinct privilege of being "medicine helper" for nearly 25 years to Sun Bear, the Chippewa visionary who formed The Bear Tribe Medicine Society. Together, they wrote many books on Native American spiritual beliefs, and conducted Medicine Wheel gatherings all over the world, welcoming people from every culture and from every walk of life to become members of The Bear Tribe. It was Sun Bear's vision of the future - that all people, regardless of race or gender.

This week, Caroline talks about the new 26,000 year Age we are entering, and about making resolutions that will help us create a new world of peace, love, harmony, and abundance. It's about getting our priorities straight, and this is not just our yearly resolutions about losing weight and being nicer to our neighbors. This is about resolutions on a much broader scale that includes the whole world. We are talking about moving into a new 26,000 year cycle, and not bringing along a lot of baggage that no longer serves us from the last cycle.

My guest this week is MALIDOMA SOME, a West African Elder, author, teacher, diviner, and healer. His life path has been difficult to say the least; from being born in an obscure village in West Africa; kidnapped at age 4 by a Jesuit Priest and sent away to be schooled in Christianity; escaping at age 20 to return to his homeland; having to learn his native language again; being trained to be a shaman; then on to higher education to earn three Masters Degrees and two doctorates at the Sorbonne and Brandeis University; and finally to teach at the University of Michigan.

Wabun Wind, will be sitting in for me as host this week. She was Sun Bear's Medicine Helper and co-authored several books with him. She will be sharing more about the Medicine Wheel and how to use it, plus - she will have as her guest, Star Savoy, an astrologer who has developed a technique using western solar astrology together with Native American lunar astrology and the Medicine Wheel for a more complete and well rounded reading. This will be a great show, so don't miss it!

OLGA KARITIDI, author of "Enter The Circle", will share her experiences of being born in Russia during the Cold War period, working as a psychiatrist in a Siberian mental hospital, and ultimately being drawn into Shamanism by meeting a kam (shaman) in the mysterious Altai mountains. This meeting utterly changed her life, and moved her out of the box of politically correct thinking about the cause of illness, both physical and mental.

JYOTI, Ambassador and spokes person for the 13 GRANDMOTHERS, will tell us about the vision that sparked the coming together of the 13 indigenous grandmothers from all over the world, how this gathering was prophesied long ago, and the work these Grandmothers are doing to bring awareness of the oneness of all creation, and peace among peoples of all walks of life. It is a powerful and inspiring story, so be sure and tune in to hear the details.

Artist, Organic Farmer, Teacher, Wilderness Survival Facilitator
Teacher, Course Designer, Fundraiser, Coordinator, Volunteer Activist, Writer, Shamanic Practitioner, Healer, President of the Foundation for Shamanic Studies, Editor, Workshop Facilitator
Cultural Anthropologist, Author, Educator, Consultant, Lecturer, Workshop Facilitator, Psychologist, Independent Publisher, Scholar