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New Realities with Alan Steinfeld and special guest guest, Robbie Holz, an author of Australian Aborigines healing books

The Divine Energy with Tom Paladino and guests

Scientist, Tom Paladino, has developed a scalar energy technology that has the capacity to send energy to clients all over the world that subtly influences their body's bio-field inducing repair while simultaneously devitalizing pathogens!  See the power of scalar energy yourself in this photo of Tom hold light bulbs over the scalar field that light up without being plugged in!

Join Tom as we explore the invisible world of energy and how it can change your life!

Hungry for the Truth with the Doctor and the Detective

Universal Soul Love with Dr. Lana Love and David Love, and special guest, Rev. Marcus Christian Lisle

Today Joan and Janet talk about "emotions and Consciousness."  Emotions - what are they? Why do we have them? How to enjoy them?  How, as Consciousness, do we experience them?

We love to hear from you!  Email us your questions and topics to talk about and we'll include them in the show!

Life With The Girlfriends with Christine Marie Peters & Julie Peters

Interview with guest: Pat McHugh-McCormick

Alexandra Meadors interviews Tory Smith, one of the most committed Light Warriors who truly walks into the fire to bring down The Dark's agenda.  Their discussion covers how the entire galaxy is being cleansed and cleared, how to bring down the psychic attacks, what is really going on within the etheric, and how The Light is successfully overcoming these government and black op factions.

Interfaith Minister and Hospice Chaplain