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It's Tuesday night and we're doing another live show "at home with the Striders" Focusing a little on getting well (since that is what I'm doing)  As usual we'll be exploring what challenges us and what causes us to laugh at ourselves...

So, if you need a good laugh and possibly a different perspective on the human condition, tune in!

On Jan 6, 1975 Rochelle and I began cohabiting. While the word doesn't sound very romantic, in fact, it was.  We moved into a house at the end of a railroad track in Saratoga, CA.  It had a corral with a horse. And we bordered a large wooded area at the other end of which was the Paul Masson winery. We met on Dec 4 just the month previous.

Come on over and join Rochelle and I for a Christmas eve/eve gathering. We'll be actually.  It's our weekly radio broadcast of "Insight Out--the Naked Truth"--at home with the Striders. 7 PM Tuesday nights at

At Home with the Striders --Episode 3

During this show we get to f ind out just what insanity both Errol & Rochelle have to deal with on a daily basis.  The audience has the unique privelege (some might call it torture) of listening in to the absurd, sometimes outrageous dialogue...sprnkled with a few drops of wisdom culled from their 40 years (almost) oof putting up with each other.