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Insight Out...the Naked Truth, February 10, 2015

Errol and Rochelle Strider
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Insight Out...the Naked Truth
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with Errol & Rochelle Strider

Planet Earth, February 9, 2015There has been a massive out break of people taking themselves too seriously! While authorities have been alerted, we advise people to take precautions.  As you may know, taking yourself too seriously leads to anger, arrogance, being easily insulted and various gastro-cerebral maladies.

Taking yourself seriously has been know to cause oysters to grow in unprotected brain cells. If that disgusts you, not to worry.  There is a solution.
Tune in to "Insight Out--the Naked Truth" radio program Tuesday at 7 pm   
Not only will you be able to avert this malicious tendency, but you will discover what it takes to undermine its hold on the human psyche. Imagine...millions of earthlings laughing all over the place--a veritable outbreak of giggles, guffaws and weight losing belly laughs
So tune in every Tuesday night at 7 PM  And especially tomorrow night, if you feel any symptoms of self-seriousness creeping into your consciousness. Or, if you've had outbreaks of self-seriousness in the past, go to our archives at the same website and listen to any of our past programs.  All are known to mitigate those supercilious attitudes that are symptoms of the disease.
So come on over to our house for as many helpings of laughter and insight out as you can absorb. You don't have to bring anything--just an open mind, open heart, and a well modulated laugh reflex.
And we always include amazing songs in our shows--to give your left brain time to absorb the Insights.
Hope to be with you soon.....
Errol & Rochelle

Insight Out--the Naked Truth--Guaranteed to knock your blocks off!


Insight Out...the Naked Truth

Insight Out...the Naked Truth with Errol Strider and Rochelle Alicia Strider
Errol Strider and Rochelle Alicia Strider

"Insight out...The Naked Truth"

A conversation about the Human Condition

and what to make of it

With Errol & Rochelle Strider

Strider Innertainment" combines philosophical inquiry, spiritual discovery, social development and psychological growth with comedy, theater, media, poetry and photography.TUNE IN and ENJOY!

Drawing on a variety of teachings from various traditions of spirituality, psychology, philosophy and revelation, Errol and Rochelle present ideas and ideals in a way that makes them accessible, relevant, funny and poignant.

The purpose of "Insight Out--the Naked Truth" is to help you (en)lighten your life by getting to the core of any issue that concerns you (issues that frustrate, confuse, bug, disturb you or just boggle the mind--hence "The Naked Truth")

So much of the troubles and suffering in our world come from limited perspectives, un-challenged beliefs and assumptions and last but not least, taking ourselves way to seriously. Many humans struggle unnecessarily because the context in which we attempt to understand our lives, establish values and make decisions is conditioned by ignorance, fear and confused thinking.

Through conscious conversation, sketches, poetry, music, guests, interviews, and call in "Insight Out--the Naked Truth" exposes the human condition in order to expand our awareness, develop wisdom and make life a more joyous and creative experience.

Please join us and participate in the conversation.

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