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Hello again,

Please join Rochelle and I tonight at 7 PM (PT) as we celebrate the upcoming event--the Last Supper and the the first night of Passover falling on the same day.

​What both Passover and Easter have in common is a new beginning.

(Easter from Eastre is believed to be an ancient word for spring.)

Next on Universal Soul Love:  How to Find Your Soul Partner.  

Dr Lana and David love discuss dating, romantic relationships, soul mates, and twin flames.

Please join us for a lively conversation about soul mate relationships and romantic partnerships.

Tonight's second sponsor of "Insight Out--the Naked Truth" is "The Good Deal" You can listen in at 7 PM (PDT)


Just a reminder that tonight at 7 PM PT is the time that Rochelle and I put aside to explore what it means to be human--its follies, foibles, and profundities. 

The more we step back and behold life from the point of view of our relationship-- what we call, "The Third Perspective", the more joy and understanding we derive--the result of which is greater personal liberation and a lot more laughter..

Hello again!

With the arrival of our first granddaughter last Thursday, tonight's program of "Insight Out--the Naked Truth" (  7 PM (PT) will be kind of special.  So, I hope you can join us, especially if you are a grand parent or if your relationship to your grandparents was especially meaningful, poignant, or even funny.