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Hello again,

Please join Rochelle and I tonight at 7 PM (PT) as we celebrate the upcoming event--the Last Supper and the the first night of Passover falling on the same day.

​What both Passover and Easter have in common is a new beginning.

(Easter from Eastre is believed to be an ancient word for spring.)

Next on Universal Soul Love:  How to Find Your Soul Partner.  

Dr Lana and David love discuss dating, romantic relationships, soul mates, and twin flames.

Please join us for a lively conversation about soul mate relationships and romantic partnerships.

Tonight's second sponsor of "Insight Out--the Naked Truth" is "The Good Deal" You can listen in at 7 PM (PDT)


Just a reminder that tonight at 7 PM PT is the time that Rochelle and I put aside to explore what it means to be human--its follies, foibles, and profundities. 

The more we step back and behold life from the point of view of our relationship-- what we call, "The Third Perspective", the more joy and understanding we derive--the result of which is greater personal liberation and a lot more laughter..

Hello again!

With the arrival of our first granddaughter last Thursday, tonight's program of "Insight Out--the Naked Truth" (  7 PM (PT) will be kind of special.  So, I hope you can join us, especially if you are a grand parent or if your relationship to your grandparents was especially meaningful, poignant, or even funny.

New Realities with Alan Steinfeld with special guest Luba Evans regarding, the masculine, feminine, Embodiment, Tantra, Non Dual Philosophy