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Sun of God University with The Hosts, banner

Sun of God University with The Hosts






May 04

Boulder Theater

Boulder, CO

May 06

Majestic Theater

Dallas, TX

May 07

One World Theater

Austin, TX

Vibrational UPgrade with Dr. Alison Kay

Vibrational UPgrade Hosted by Alison J. Kay, PhD Holistic Life Coach, Energy Healer, India Trained YA RYT-200 Yoga Teacher, Certified Personal Trainer

Women Reconnecting with Lisa Meisels

Women Reconnecting with Lisa Meisels with guest, Katharina Johnson and Lotte Mikkelsen

True Confessions Radio Show with Melody McClendon

True Confessions Radio Show with Melody McClendon

Quyn's Empowerment Hour with Quyn Lê Erichsen

Quyns Empowerment Hour with Quyn Le Erichsen

Title: Hope and Mental Health: An Inspiring Story of a Woman Living with Dissociative Identity Disorder – Suzanne Venuta

Description: Suzanne Venuta shared her inspiring journey as a woman living with Dissociative Identity Disorder. She talked about how she has made the best of her mental illness by sharing her story with others and educating them to increase awareness of mental disorders.

The Messenger with Carolyn Evers and Dr. Richard Presser, banner

The Messenger with Carolyn Evers providing caller free spiritual reading, past life readings

This week on ‘Conscious Conversations’we talk with Harvey Kraft, the Award-winning author of 'The Buddha from Babylon: The Lost History and Cosmic Vision of Siddhartha Gautama' and the upcoming Novel 'THE WAKER Portal of Perfect Light'.