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Change It Up with Paula Shaw

Today we’re talking about the long and short of relationships. We discuss helping children through the effects of a divorce, and the impact that relationships can have on financial literacy.


Happiness Hangout with Lori Peters

Happiness Hangout with Lori A. Peters

Guest, Glenn Ambross

Happiness Hangout with Lori Peters

Happiness Hangout with Lori A. Peters

Guest, Michael Tamez

Every Day is a New Day with Kim O'Neill

Every Day is A New Day with Kim O'Neill

Guest, Paula Quinsee

Lets Talk Relationships with Derek Hart

Lets Talk Relationships with Derek Hart and Beth Holland with guest callers

Happiness Hangout with Lori Peters. Lori Peters will be reading a chapter from her book, Getting Married at Last- My Journey from Hopelessness to Happiness.  Get ready for some laughs as I use my sense of humor as I read about my love journey. I'll use my learning experiences and pose discussion questions and offer relationship and life advice around relationships, happiness, gratitude and much more.

Here's a bit about my book:

Relationship Help Show with Dr Rhoberta Shaler

​You define success for yourself. No matter what that is, you'll need to be able to trust yourself to make good decisions. Guest, Scott Kimbro, author of SubmUrgency: How To Live and Die Without Regret, and Dr. Rhoberta Shaler talk about empowering yourself to confidently step up and live fully. Even if things are difficult--or have been--you can feel good about how you respond to life, and the results you create.

Lets Talk Relationships with Derek Hart

Lets Talk Relationships with Derek Hart and Beth Holland with guest callers

Relationship Help Show with Dr Rhoberta Shaler, The Relationship Help Doctor

​Guest, Johanna Lynn, Clinical Hypnotherapist

All that happened to you in life affects everything that is currently happening in your life. If you are not getting the results in life and relationships that you want, then, you want to listen to this episode for sure. 

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