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Author, Speaker, Mental Toughness Expert, U.S. Marine, Psychologist, Founder of Copenology, Professor, Director, Success Coach, Radio Show Host
Writer, Author, Trainer, Pioneering Doctor, Scientist, Musician, Entrepreneur, Producer, Renaissance Woman, Counseler, Advanced Healer, Life Coach, Psychologist, Kahuna
Author, Neuroscience Researcher, Spiritualist
Author, Writer, NDE Researcher, Humanitarian, Scholar, Philosopher, Doctor, Lecturer, Trainer, Counselor, Media Expert
Scottish Pilgrim, Author, Speaker, Interpreter, Profound Spiritual Thinker, Film Director
Author, Speaker, Teacher of Love, Therapist, Counselor, Spiritual Guide, Life Coach
Clinical Psychologist, Cognitive Therapist, Trainer, Professional Advisor, Lecturer, Writer, Journalist
Humanitarian, Physician, Counselor, Medical Ethics Authority, Spiritually Influential, Healing Pioneer, Professor, Humanitarian, Educator, Author, Writer, World Wellness Activist
Author, Playwright, Writer, Director, Actor, Producer, Professor, Psychology Researcher, Doctor in Political Science
Academic, Sociologist, Psychologist, Researcher, Writer, Author, Spiritual Experiencer