ET-First Contact Radio with Maarten Horts and special guest, Mary Blake
Temple of Health Radio Show with Dr Susan Kolb interview special guest John G. Ryan, M.D
Discussing: “The Missing Pill: The Rise of Energy Based Healing & Conscious Bio-Spiritual Transformation”
Episode #6 : Of Course Radio with Scott Krajca & Sheldon.
Teacher of Sacred Geometry in Crop Circles and the Mysteries
Crop Circle and Alien Abduction Researcher, Certified Hypnotherapist and Regression Therapist
Universal Soul Love with David and Dr. Lana Love and special guest, Trina Markandu Bawden-Smith
Yoga Instructor, Spiritual Couselor, Personal Development Professional, Event Manager, Social Activist
Quantum Mindfulness Radio with Joel Ayala Ayapana RN, BSN, BA
Guest Name: Arjuna Ardagh of
The Beauty Files with Juanita with Juanita Dillard and special guests, Helen Woo, Kenneth Wilson and Sydney Munteanu