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Healng The Heart with Dr. Eric Love on BBS Radio - Show #17

Sun of God University with The Hosts - show #27 on BBS Radio!

Interview with Uri Geller
Uri Geller is one of the world's most investigated and celebrated mystifiers. Famous around the globe for his mind-bending abilities, he has led a unique life shrouded in debate, controversy and mystery.

Honor Your Pet with with L. Leigh Meriweather and guest Coleen Ellis on BBS Radio.

Satsang with Shusara with Shusara Akona Kumara

In tonight's session Shusara leadsa guided meditation focusing on the Rays of Light and how to re-qualify the Chakras. She speaks further about doing Ray work and then discusses the importance of functioning from qualified chakras in the world. Particualr attention was placed on the collective disqualified base Chakra and the damage it does to all of us. This archive also contains a file which includes directions for doing Ray work on your own.

School of Human Potential with Allan Vaysberg

Flowing with the River of Abundance

~ How to tap into the abundance NOW that is just waiting to flow to us

~ The simple shifts we can make so that we never again have to worry about money

~ The secrets that wealthy people know that others don't

~ Why not getting what we want could be the key to unlocking our greatest prosperity

In the next hour, Specialist, and MFT Therapist, Louis (Louie) Bernstein will explain some of the moving pieces in relationship, some of the belief systems that have us stuck, and he will also enlighten us on specific actions and behaviors that can allow us to make choices that support what we really want; he will offer clarity as to ways to allow relationship its’ fair chance to survive. He uses the most practical and updated Psychological Orientations and Couples Theories to navigate couples to joy and fulfillment.

InnerViews Innerviews with Donna Visocky and Kimmie Rose.

Life Changes with Filippo with Filippo Voltaggio

Hear Anna Maria Panici (aka Anna Bliss) LIVE Tonight at 7 PM PST.

Born and raised in Europe, Anna moved to the United States at 13 years old, where she quickly adapted ...

Linguist, Actress, Model, Hypnotherapist, Healer