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Candy Danzis specializes in Angel Communication and Spiritual Counseling for private clients worldwide, using her gifts of Intuition, Mediumship and Psychic Awareness. She also teaches individuals to improve connection to their Spiritual Support Team™ - your Guardian Angels, Guides, Helpers and Deceased Loved Ones - through various workshops and Angel Alignment™ Certification Courses.

Antonia Lau — Psychic Medium, Reads for the Stars, Spiritual Author

Antonia Lau is deeply studied metaphysician and spiritual expert with over 50 years of focused, research, confirmation and positive practice.  A Professional Celebrity Psychic with over 50,000+ worldwide readings for over 33 years, along with being Clairvoyant. Clairaudient and well versed in the disciplines Tarot, Spiritual/Evolutionary Astrology, Numerology, Palmistry and Graphology, she actually sees and hears the clients Guide/Guardian angel, long before it was popular in the mainstream. We take calls from our listeners who have questions for Antonia.

SUNDAY May 1—9:00 PM Eastern - Elizabeth met Richard Schoeller on January 7, 2011, on the TV Production set of a newly planned program. He was the "other psychic" who would be with her on the panel for this pilot production. The minute she spoke with Richard she felt, he was one of the most interesting, honorable, and spiritual psychic mediums she had ever met, and she has met THOUSANDS! His life goal is to communicate with the "other side" and help people put their minds and hearts at peace.

SUNDAY - APRIL 3, 2011 —  Elizabeth Joyce speaks with her long time friend, famed psychic, Frank S. James. Frank was seen on The Psychic Detectives and recently on Psychic Investigators on the BIO Channel. Once a private detective, Frank is a psychic medium, working with the other side, and helping the police solve crimes. This is a call in show, so have your first name, birthday, and focused question ready. The show's information explains how a psychic gets their information and arrives at a prediction.

ELIZABETH JOYCE and FRANK ST. JAMES – Halloween and the Psychics

What does it mean to be psychic? What kind of information can a psychic give? What if you had a simple way to find answers to any question? A yes or no answer to any question you wished to ask. The simple questions are: Is my wife seeing someone else? Is my son lying about school? Is this a good investment? What if everyone had this access?  The implications are phenomenal. What would happen to our judicial system if one could know the answer about how the crime was committed? There could be a clear and truthful answer about anyone's guilt. Do we all have Psychic Powers?

Born as one of two sets of identical twins, Elizabeth Joyce has been psychic since birth. Named one of the World’s Greatest Psychics (Citadel Press, 2004), she is a spiritual healer and gives personal psychic readings worldwide. She teaches the work of Louise Hay, who was one of her mentors. Elizabeth Joyce writes a monthly astrology column in several publications, including Wisdom Magazine. Ms. Joyce is a professional Astrologer, Spiritual Healer/Counselor, Medium and Clairvoyant who interprets dreams and utilizes the Higher Dimension frequencies as well as Astrology in readings.