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ET Yoga with Charles Green This Episode contained information about the state of food, self-empowering techniques concerning fear based beliefs, current research on Essential Oils as healing tools and how the plant and crystal kingdom can assist with our overall frequency. 

Satsang with Shusara with Shusara Akona Kumara

Tonight’s session began with an analogy between the relationship of light/dark and non-polarized/polarized consciousness. Shusara illustrated the impact that resistance has on the Light, creating “shadows” that are taken to be real by the personal self and as a result occluding the Light from them. She also likened human consciousness to a buoy at sea being tossed about during a storm. The work of a spiritual seeker is serious and challenging, just like everything you strive to attain in life.

Yoga Instructor and Founder of Etherion Eco-Village
UFO Experiencer, Author, Amazing Woman

Today on Conscious Conversations, Joan and Janet talk about Emotions! As Consciousness, we exist as Joy and Love. Our bodies feel many more emotions than that! Emotions direct and color our life experiences. As children we fully feel and enjoy our emotions, but as adults - not so much. Our body communicates to us as Consciousness with emotions, we need to allow our body its full vocabulary and listen to what it's asking from us!

Alexandra Meadors and Winston Shrout share an interview hunkering down on the topic of commerce through a metaphysical perspective.

Next Universal Soul Love: Dr Lana Love and Det David Love discuss the "Super Consciousness Project".

The Super Consciousness Project is an initiative Dr Lana and Det David Love began over a year ago with the intention of expanding the collective consciousness of humanity to a higher level.  

The idea behind this project is to form "catalyst groups" with talented mediums, channelers, and psychics within the spiritual community.  This goal of this project is to create a mass awakening around the world.

Educator, author, researcher, lecturer focusing on the history, origins and foundational concepts related to commerce.

Of Course Radio with Scott Krajca & Sheldon Jo

Temple of Health Radio Show with Dr Susan Kolb with special guest Dr. Richard House