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I Dreamed I Was Human, July 18, 2015

Carolyn Gervais
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I Dreamed I Was Human
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with Carolyn Gervais

 I Dreamed I Was Human with Carolyn Gervais - Topic: Experiencing Parallel Lives and Alternate Realities

Headlined Show, I Dreamed I Was Human July 18, 2015

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Experiencing Parallel Lives and Alternate Realities

We are all connected to, and even influenced by parallel dimensions. 

You will learn how it is possible to access alternate realites -- to realize why we have these experiences and how they benefit our lives. 

Plus, on this show, Carolyn will share a mystical, other-worldly experience of her own.

I Dreamed I Was Human

I Dreamed I Was Human with Carolyn Gervais
Show Host
Carolyn Gervais


Reincarnation – it’s one of the most talked about subjects in the realm of metaphysical-spirituality. many of us have seen ourselves, in other bodies, in other lifetimes.

We see these experiences as meaningful glimpses into the true nature of who we are as souls.  But is it really important to know who we have been in other lifetimes?  And could these pieces of the puzzle we call “past lives” actually be hindering our growth as souls in human form? 

Be prepared to hear an explanation of past lives that may turn your views about reincarnation upside down.

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