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Maria Dancing Heart Hoaglund
Your Pitch

We are in a time of Great Shift in Consciousness on the planet. Much Change and transitions are taking place all over. My talk will allow individuals to examine their perspectives on death, grief, & transitions of all kinds. We will explore how to weave life and death back together again in a culture that has separated them. We will look at ways that death can teach us about life, and how we can remain open and to learn and grow from these opportunities that come into our lives. Death has been left out of the cycle of life; and it's time to bring her back into the circle! Time and interest permitting, simple exercises for relaxation and healing will be taught – techniques that can help us move through transitions with joy & grace and that can be used for healthy self-care, too.


Rev. Maria Dancing Heart Hoaglund is an international author, transformational energy healer, U.C.C. Minister and ceremonialist, spiritual & bereavement counselor, and end-of-life coach who honors the body-mind-spirit holistic approach. She was born and grew up in Japan, lived in Seattle for many years, and moved to Colorado from Sedona, AZ last Thanksgiving. She is enjoying the beauty of the Boulder-Denver area, sharing her passion to help people overcome the fear of death, and developing her other businesses around energy work and healing - Forgiveness & Reconciliation ceremonies. She also enjoys bringing more Peace and Healing into people's lives through holistic modalities.

United States
Book Cover for The Last Adventure of Life