Dave and I created a very powerful show. I had experienced his work through a "clearing/reading" earlier in the day and highly recommend him. In this show, we discuss everything that is important, relating to the comming Shift, which we're in. This is one of the most power-packed shows yet, and Dave masterfully shares from the high heart.
Teal was born in Santa Fe New Mexico in the year 1984.
Teal was born with extrasensory abilities. Among these abilities she was born with were clairvoyance, clairsentience, clairaudience, the ability to manipulate electromagnetic fields and the ability to communicate with thought forms.
You 'Bout Ready with Marty Ford - Another show of insight and humor, thought provoking and addicting.
History and Your with Jorge Rodriguez-Walling and special guest Perto Herrera
The Gauntlet
To survive abuse is to make you stronger in faith and resolve. And when abuse happens, how hard is it to forgive? It is as hard as you want to make it, or as easy, because the capacity to forgive will determine the strength of your faith to live confidently with yourself, and be happy with yourself and others in the world.
The Spring of Life Show with Jasmine Iwaszkiewicz and Benjamin Schmidt - Show #9 on BBS Radio!