Judge Eve with Judge Eve Cohen Ellingwood

I am an Administrative Law Judge with the California Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board. It is a judicial position in the Executive branch of government, as opposed to the regular court system, and we hear cases relating to all aspects relating to the unemployment segment of our population.
She is qualified to speak about anti-terrorism, as she was born in Jerusalem and was raised with Jews, Palestinians and the British.
Talk Radio Show Program Information Displays
Judge_Eve, October 5, 2013 | Courtesy of BBS Radio |
Judge_Eve, September 21, 2013 | Courtesy of BBS Radio |
Judge_Eve, September 7, 2013 | Courtesy of BBS Radio |
Judge_Eve, August 10, 2013 | Courtesy of BBS Radio |
Judge_Eve, July 27, 2013 | Courtesy of BBS Radio |
Judge_Eve, July 13, 2013 | Courtesy of BBS Radio |
Judge_Eve, June 29, 2013 | Courtesy of BBS Radio |
Judge_Eve, June 15, 2013 | Courtesy of BBS Radio |
Judge_Eve, May 18, 2013 | Courtesy of BBS Radio |
Judge_Eve, May 4, 2013 | Courtesy of BBS Radio |
Judge_Eve, April 27, 2013 | Courtesy of BBS Radio |
Judge_Eve, April 20, 2013 | Courtesy of BBS Radio |
Judge_Eve, April 6, 2013 | Courtesy of BBS Radio |
Judge_Eve, March 23, 2013 | Courtesy of BBS Radio |
Judge_Eve, March 9, 2013 | Courtesy of BBS Radio |
Judge_Eve, February 23, 2013 | Courtesy of BBS Radio |
Judge_Eve, February 9, 2013 | Courtesy of BBS Radio |
Judge_Eve, January 26, 2013 | Courtesy of BBS Radio |
Judge_Eve, January 12, 2013 | Courtesy of BBS Radio |
Judge_Eve, December 15, 2012 | Courtesy of BBS Radio |
Judge Eve Cohen Ellingwood
Judge Eve (Sternlight Cohen) Ellingwood retired, is qualified to speak about anti-terrorism, as she was born in Jerusalem and was raised with Jews, Palestinians and the British, and has lived with them all for a lengthy period of time. She practiced law, was an administrative law judge with the California Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board for 18 1/2 years and is very well qualified to speak about any matters relating to employer-employee relations; improving business atmosphere; and anything relating to numerous legal matters, as she also taught law and was to be a dean at Glendale College of Law. She has had over 20 years of experience speaking to numerous business organizations, Lions, Elks, Rotarys and other service colubs- religious groups- as she also stands in the position of a prophet, seer and healer; has appeared on and organized numerous radio and television shows- on legal, political and religious and inner healing issues; was Speakers' Bureau chairman for the Lawyers Club of L.A. county; for the Nixon presidential campaign, and helped congressman Barry Goldwater, Jr., and many other local politicians- and of course has been continuously in front of the public, in court appearances, while practicing law; as a judge; and as a law teacher. She can now also speak on how to spot and prevent elder abuse- because of her parents' killing in Beverly Hills (Morris and Sara Sternlight) and the theft of their millions.
My parents were born in Poland. Most of our family were killed in the holocaust. My parents survived due to their own parents' foresight, which caused them to move to PALESTINE; MY mom's dad, as he read between the lines, saw that Hitler would be bad for the Jewish people; and my father's dad whose main name was HERTZEL- after the visionary of zionism - as my dad was 17 years old and my grandpa wanted my Dad to serve in a Jewish Army. My parents met on the beach in Tel Aviv. My Mom was 16, she worked in a comb factory with acids, gave the money to her Mom, who could not speak Hebrew and could then not continue the successful business she had had in Poland. My mom cleaned house and then went to the beach. My dad learned carpentry and knowing he could not work for anyone else, opened his own furniture business - and employed his dad to give him income. This was in Jerusalem, where my brother and I were born; where we experienced the war for Israel's independence; the siege on Jerusalem, curfews, shootings and collecting bullet casings, which we traded as baseball cards are in America. My sister was born here in the US and was our American baby who went on to Beverly Hills high school.
I would love for you to go to my website: www.90210holocaust.com where you see part of my story and also purchase my ebook: DIARY OF A SABRA FAITH IN ACTION. My second book will be available as soon as I can find it and there will be additional books and CDs.
I am also available to do counseling and healings both inner and physical, as a minister, prophet, and seer, as I see into the body, the past and the future. If interested, please contact me at my email: eejudgeeve79@gmail.com and let me know how much time you think you will need so that I might be able to help you and charge you accordingly.
Thank you for being a part of my show and ministry; and I would also love to hear from you if you have experienced miracles in your life or in the lives of people close to you.
Regarding the WHO AM I? section below, this was the case, regarding all events, ages and relationships as they had existed when I wrote my book in 1979. My children are now grown, and I'm no longer married to Cohen. I also found-out, there were many changes to the way unemployment insurance cases are now heard in California.
I am an Administrative Law Judge with the California Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board. It is a judicial position in the Executive branch of government, as opposed to the regular court system, and we hear cases relating to all aspects of eligibility for unemployment insurance benefits, tax matters as they affect employers, disability insurance matter, federal retraining benefit matters, and many other relating to the unemployment segment of our population.
We have ten offices from which the State of California is serviced, and we hear cases in special hearing rooms provided for us by law in the various unemployment and disability offices through the state as well as in our own hearing rooms set up for us in different communities. This means then that we travel much as a circuit riding judge did in the Old West. My office’s territory covers an area from Pasadena to the San Fernando Valley to Bakersfield on the Northeast side of the state, and to San Luis Obispo on the Northwest side of the state.
Our hearings are reported by court reporters and testimony is given under oath with witnesses, as in the regular court system, except that we apply the rules of evidence more liberally. We often have attorneys appear at our hearings. We issue written decisions on each case that we hear and each case can be appealed all the way to the United States Supreme Court.
To be appointed to my position, I had to be a practicing California attorney for a minimum of five years and then had to pass both a written examination and an oral interview to be considered. I have been in this position since August 31, 1972, and have enjoyed it greatly.
I am married and I have four children, two boys and two girls, ages 13, 10, 71/2, 21/2 years of age. My husband is an engineer who also recently became an attorney. I am the oldest of three children. My brother is married and has two children and my little sister is in college. She is our American sister, as she was born in the United States.
I have worked ever since I was 14 years old when I started to sell cosmetics door to door. I also worked in a food counter in department stores, in insurance offices, in businesses and in law offices before I became an attorney.
I have been extremely active in politics in the San Fernando Valley, which is part of the City Of Los Angeles in California, and also very active in the legal community by way of being on the Speakers Bureau of Lawyers’ Club of Los Angeles County, which is a countywide bar association consisting of about 1400 members who are judges and lawyers in all phases of the law being in charge of its public relations and Law Day programming and ultimately on its Board of Governors from which I just recently resigned because of its conflict with my work schedule and my home responsibilities.
I have also taught law and some of my students are currently lawyers much to my delight, and I was to become a Dean at a law school which I passed up when I was appointed to my current position.
In our free time, we like to water ski, watch and cheer our three oldest children playing soccer in the local park, drive them back and forth to their practices, to dance classes, Brownies, Scouts, and get together with friends and read.
I have a wonderful housekeeper, who is a great help to me around the house, and I am therefore able to care for the home responsibilities more easily, which also includes food shopping and all other errands involved in running a household.
I was born in Jerusalem in 1940. I am a jew who has found Jesus in my life. He is Lord of my life and my being and all I do is as unto Him. I have attempted to sue those in power, but the litigation was dismissed! However, the court and defendants have been notified that appellate proceedings will be taken in this case.