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Inspire Possibility Show with Mark Susnow

Inspire Possibility Show with Mark Susnow

Part 1:

Becoming Aware with author and inspirational teacher Lisa Garr

"There is something very wise and embracing about Lisa—when she showers you with that profound kindness of hers, it changes you.Take a marvelous journey with a wonderful friend, and what she reveals on your adventure will stay with you forever." Marianne Williamson, author of a Return to Love.

Mother, wife, community connector, inspirational guide, and interdisciplinary healer

Happiness Hangout with Lori Peters. Learn how to communicate better within your family. Lower stress, become closer and work better as a unit. Show more love and compassion for each other and have the relationships for which you have always dreamed.

Worth vs. Self-Worth: Do you know the difference?  Not receiving or receiving a drizzle of what your desires is directly related to your worthiness level not your self-worth.

Interview with Mark Levine, CEO of Hillcrest Media Group, in Minneapolis, Minnesota and author of The Fine Print of Self-Publishing.