My guest, next Saturday, Henning Saupe was born in 1964 in Germany and qualified from Ulm University (Germany) as M.D. in 1994 and received a doctorate in medicine „Dr.med.” in 1995.
In 2005 he opened Swedens first complementary cancer clinic „Arkadiakliniken” with hyperthermia as a new treatment option.
in 2006 Arcadia clinic moved to Germany, where it has expanded into a residential clinic that incorporates all the classic treatments, used in complementary cancer medicine, such as Insulin potentiation therapy, local and whole body hyperthermia, botanical cytostatic drugs in infusions, magnetic therapy, oxygen and ozone therapies, anti cancer diet, detox and orthomolecular medicine, meditation, yoga and psycho-oncology.
His focus for the last 25 years was on holistic, naturopathic and complementary therapies for the ones who suffer from cancer.
Dr. Saupe gives lectures in many European countries, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, UK and Germany and will be a speaker at Annie Appleseed Cancer Conference in West-Palm Beach, February 28th 2018.
More information is available at: https://www.arcadia-praxisklinik.de/en/about-us/the-arcadia-team.html