Zeta Global Radio with Laine Sevante Quirk and guest, Carole Brody Fleet, who wrote When Bad Things Happen to Good Women and Widows Wear Stilettos
Dr Pamela Blair, a holistic psychotherapist with a private practice and several books including coauthor of the best seller I Wasn’t Ready to Say Goodbye, a book on grief.
My Second guest, Jenny Giblin, is a therapist, yoga instructor, and nutritionist with a masters degree in family therapy.
My last guest, Dan Baker, known as Baker Dan specializes in alternative cooking and baking and is author of Beating Arthritis: Alternative Cooking.
Guests on the Holistic Health Show yesterday were Kelley Eidem and Monique Chapman.
Kelley recovered from glomerulonephritis and subsequently wrote a book titled the Doctor who Cures Cancer.
Monique is an internationally renoun intuitive, lifestyle consultant,award winning radio host, and author who has been featured on CBS, MTV and contributed to Good Morning America.
My guests for Saturday are Dr Grace Gawler (left) and Cindy Nolte.
Guest on the Holistic Health Show next Saturday include Dr Kedar N. Prasad and Dr Charles Majors.