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Ask Kadian with Kadian Grant

Tonight's discussion will be on the election and how it relates to you, Part 2. Let's talk about politics differently. Are you voting your belief system? Are you creating with or without consciousness? We'll discuss how you can help your candidate move closer to victory.

Carla J Fox returns with more of her journeys through the Stargate of the Milky Way!  We talk about doing the Shadow Work necessary to become lighter, as the energies have shifted dramatically.  Like raising a helium balloon, we can only take off when we throw the lead or sand weights over the side....and, the use of others as a mirror, and the 7 Essene Mirrors to comprehend our responsibility and attraction.  I highly recommend her blog, here:

Timothy J Glenn returns with some surprising updates for 2016!  During this show, he talks about Nemesis, also known as Niburu or Wormwood, and 2016 being the defining year for earth and humanity...with a chuckle or two!  He mentions Robert Sutton Harrington's video in which he talks with Sitchin called "Are We Alone"?  and mentions the Bob Dean 2008 Niburu interview with Kerry Cassidy.  We return to the vast nature of the "Cosmic Matrix", run by A.I., and "where did the Annunaki go?"  This is one show not to miss!

Coach, Speaker, Author and Founder of The Inspirational Woman Project
Bestselling author and spiritual expert
The Wynn Free Conference Call LIVE with Wynn Free

The Wynn Free Conference Call LIVE with Wynn Free

Happiness Hangout with Lori Peters.. Come hear inspiring stories and information with Guest Sara Troy at Self Discovery Radio. Come feel your best with us at the Happiness Hangout.

Co-Owner, Operator and Host of Self Discovery Radio