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Stream Talk Live with Dean Welsson is an educational show for digital broadcasters. We will teach stream quality, technology and much more. Dean has been a member of the digital broadcast community since 1995 and helped pioneer digital streaming.

Duane Heppner shared his vision of the All Solar Research Vessel, which is going to be built and stationed at the Huntington Beach Pier.  He spoke about the distinction between Creation and the realms beyond Creation, the ALLIS, and spoke about "human farming" that's being done in this Matrix realm.  To find out more about this exciting project, to read Duane's many books, or join one of the Facebook groups, go to Facebook and type in Duane Heppner.

Expert on Egyptology, Archaeology, Professor at Calgary U, Author, Global Research, Television Host

Shadow Politics with Senator Michael D. Brown & Kathleen Gomez.


Dr. James Miller Jr., discusses how America is allowing for education to bend around the will of corporate interests and one standard globally.

Teen-Train Talk Radio with host Dwayne T. Smith and guests, Alvin Pickett and Cicely Wilson