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Deepen in the Divine with Scott Krysta

Deepen in the Divine Radio with Scott Krytsa​

A vision or plan for 2018 with a twist – building the plan and then following it with the guidance of : God, the Divine, Holy Spirit or whatever else works for you…

My past experience with creating a vision – closing eyes, connecting with heart and letting my BIG Dream spill out onto paper or through images on a piece of cardboard. I would hit some, miss some and would usually feel something was missing. It wasn’t until I began bringing God, The Divine or the Holy Spirit into my life more and more…

Deepen in the Divine with Scott Krysta

Deepen in the Divine Radio with Scott Krytsa.

Episode 6: Happy, Happy Joy, Joy (Within the Dream)


Deepen in the Divine with Scott Krysta

Deepen in the Divine Radio with Scott Krytsa and guest Maria Felipe. We discuss Rev Maria Felipe's book "Live Your Happy", A Course in Miracles, Forgiveness and more!

Meta Mondays with Adena Bannick

Meta Mondays with Adena Bannick  Gale Glassner Twersky was with Adena Today.  Gale is a Hypno Counselor and Top Selling Nightingale audio CD Book Author and Best Selling 2016 Gildan Seminars  Audio/Book author. Gale is the original author of her  Nightengale 9-CD program in 2005 Re-program Your subconscious. How to Use Hypnosis to Get what you really want.

Activist, Truth Sharer, Inspirational Motivator, Writer, Public Speaker
Holistic Healing, Implant and Parasite Removal, Meridian Clearing and Balancing, Soul Fragment Retrieval and teaching how to clear yourself