Author of " Higher Consciousness Through Meditation", Teacher, Workshop Leader, Public Speaker, member of the Speakers Bureau for the Science of Spirituality
Cosmetic and Restorative Dentist, Adjunct Professor of the University of the Pacific
President and Founder of Fresh and Alive!, Certified Natural Health Educator, Inventor, Computer Operations Manager, Workshop Leader
Teacher of Political Theory, Author of "Knowing Too Much" and "What Gandhi Says"
Literacy Expert, Public Speaker, Teacher Educator, Author, Consultant
America's #1 Integrative Cardiologist, Attending Physician, Director of Medical Education, Director of Echocardiography, Published Author
Geriatrician, Clinical Instructor and Teacher at UCSF, Owns a Consultive Practice, Geriatric-Health Writer
Dentist, Inventor, Patent Holder, Microdentistry Expert, Director of the Texas Institute for Advanced Dental Studies, Adjunct Associate Professor
Executive Director of the National Center for Creative Aging (NCCA), Arts Administration Leader, Published Author, Associate Professor at George Washington University in the Health Sciences Department