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Guest Name
Linda Wojcik
Linda Wojcik
Guest Occupation
Speaker, Author, Entrepreneur, Mother
Guest Biography

Linda Wojcik is a Bach Flower Practitioner with 30 years experience in alternative healing modalities. She is trained as a nutritional Kinesiologist and spiritual intuitive.

When her son Joshua developed serious health challenges she embarked on a journey that would change her life dramatically and that of her family.

Since 1982 I have been teaching my clients how to heal themslves.  This is what we have learned together:

Healing is a personal journey. The only one who can heal me is me; and the only one who can heal you is you. We will meet many teachers along the way to help guide us toward our healing journey;  however, individually, we must be ready to take the steps necessary for hearling to begin.

If you are ready to learn what those steps are, I am happy to share the information I have gathered along the way.