Debut of From Shelter Dog to Service Dog with Janice Wolfe on BBS Radio!
Janice Wolfe, the founder of Merlin’s Kids, and a cancer survivor, searched for a reason why she survived while so many others did not. As a result, she has dedicated herself to helping to provide and train service animals for special needs individuals.
Janice is known as “The Lady” Dog Whisperer and “New Jersey’s Dog Whisperer” for her unique abilities with dogs with behavioral issues. Janice has rehabilitated over 25,000 dogs.
Actualizing Your Dreams and Pursuing Your Purpose in Life with Osazee Thompson with T. Dwayne Smith
Today we discussed how to identify your gifts and talents along with the understanding that God is the Gift Giver. We are just stewards over our gifts and we should work to perfect or gifts and talents by learning more, seeking mentor, and surrouding ourselves with positive people.
When one is laid off from a job it is devestating to say the least. How can you manage your emotional upheaveal, fears and move forward. Damian, a Career Counselor, has some wonderful toos to share .. listen in and get past those fearful hurdles of the unknown.