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Counseling astrologer, Gnostic Gospels, Black Moon and Eris, the Oracle Report

Francine Milano is joined by famous speech analyst and UFO documentarian Jon Kelly to discuss his fascinating work.

We welcome Timothy J. Glenn back for another riveting show!  Timothy continues to share his wisdom and humor through multi-dimensional perspectives.  He also speaks of the Proterrian view, which is a 12D collective that comes through him.  Don't miss this follow-up to our first show!

A Fireside Chat with Lance White and guest Steve Richards

Ann Kreilkamp weaves a magical tale, which we can all relate to on many levels.  We discuss Permaculture, EXOpermaculture, astrology and how to navigate these times and why.  A master storyteller, with wit and wisdom.  We'll have more chats this year, "by the fireside".  Enjoy!

She also writes one of my favorite blogs, which you can freely subscribe to, here:

Dave and I created a very powerful show.  I had experienced his work through a "clearing/reading" earlier in the day and highly recommend him.  In this show, we discuss everything that is important, relating to the comming Shift, which we're in.  This is one of the most power-packed shows yet, and Dave masterfully shares from the high heart.

*** SPECIAL NEW YEAR SHOW for 2020!!! *** Energy Healer, Quantum Sphere Healing Practitioner