The debut show of, REAL ESTATE ANSWER MAN SHOW with Tony Martinez, on BBS Radio!
Tony Martinez, “The Real Estate Answer Man”, is a licensed real estate broker and nationally acclaimed speaker. He is one of the nation’s foremost Short Sales experts having trained nearly 8,000 real estate agents on the Short Sales process. He brings a fresh, humorous and practical perspective to covering the real estate topics most important to listeners.
Reaching For The Gold with Harriet Tramer, with guests Dan Hartley and Donnie Rudd - Staying Young and in Tune - Music Pulsates and So Do Machines that Bring Healing
James is a permaculture advocate who applies these principles to local community building. We'll be discussing different processes for culturing community with working models of resource sharing and skill exchange utilizing different exchange "currencies of trust" currency of Conscience.
More info at