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STEVEN M. GREER, MD is Founder of The Disclosure Project, The Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence (CSETI) and The Orion Project.
'Orion-ifos' means 'identified flying objects' from the Orion star constellation. it's an acronym I use to describe the import of my research. I'm into ufo/ifo research as well as a contactee of Orion extraterrestrials.(who incidentally are human in appearance like ourselves with a few minor variations) I film and have video of extraterrestrial ufos and have been granted close and extended sightings of extraterrestrial ships.
Chuck is a retired Salem MA Police Officer. He is a third generation medium and recalls being able to communicate with the other side since the age of six. He has spent many years in development circles learning meditation techniques that have helped to fine tune his gift. He has completed classes in psychic mediumship, advanced mediumship and Reiki. He just finished his second book which chronicles his life.
Dr. Ross is an internationally renowned clinician, researcher, author and lecturer in the field of dissociation and trauma-related disorders. He is the founder and President of the Colin A. Ross Institute for Psychological Trauma.
Dr. Ross obtained his M.D. from the University of Alberta in 1981 and completed his training in psychiatry at the University of Manitoba in 1985. He has been running a hospital-based Trauma Program in Dallas, Texas since 1991.
Gary R. Renard, the best-selling author of The Disappearance of the Universe and Your Immortal Reality, was born on the historic North Shore of Massachusetts. He became a successful professional guitar player, but during the harmonic convergence of 1987, he heard a Calling and began to take his life in a different direction. At the beginning of the 1990’s, he moved to Maine, where he underwent a powerful spiritual awakening. As instructed, he slowly and carefully wrote Disappearance over a period of nine years.
World-Renown Author and Nostradamus Scholar
John Hogue writes about Nostradamus with the clarity and interpretive accuracy of a kindred prophet. He uses his own gift of future insight along with the geopolitical savvy of a Noam Chomsky to unravel the complex issues affectng us today. Voices such as these are needed in our times. In 1987, John Hogue wrote the book Nostradamus and the Millennium. It sold 700,000 copies and was translated into nine languages.
Dr. Louis Turi, MDUS, World-Renown Author and Nostradamus Scholar
“The universe is under no obligation to make any SPIRITUAL sense to anyone” Dr. Turi
Hello prospective listeners;
In this planetary radio show, Terania and I will enlighten you about metaphysics, the Cosmic Code jurisdictions or God Cosmic Divinity, the reality and purposes of extraterrestrials using the futuristic art and science of Astropsychology and Astroforensics.
Lynn V. Andrews is a leader in the field of spirituality and personal development, and is ranked as one of the top self-improvement experts in the world and the leading teacher of global shamanic cosmologies. She is the author of the celebrated Medicine Woman series of books; lectures and workbooks for personal growth, including Mask of Power and Teachings Around the Sacred Wheel; The Power Deck: Cards of Wisdom; and meditation CDs, tapes and exercises for spiritual growth and enlightenment. Medicine Woman has been translated into 12 languages and is now in its 46th printing.
One of the most significant figures in America today, George McGovern has earned the respect of countless individuals from all political viewpoints and all walks of life.
I was very young when I first saw spirits... I didn't know that these people were actually dead, I thought they were friends and family that were coming to visit, but then they started to tell me how they died. It was really strange, especially when my parents just thought it was my over-active imagination.
I lived with this gift for years and my grandmother was also in the closet about her Mediumship gift until my grandfather passed away when I was 7. She finally came out and started to give readings and became very well known in the UK.