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Guest Name
Louis Turi
Dr. Louis Turi, Author, Scholar, Prohet, Astrologer, Lecturer, Doctor of Metaphysics, Hynotherapist, Astrophsychologist, Motivational Speaker, Healer and Broadcaster
Guest Occupation
Author, Scholar, Prohet, Astrologer, Lecturer, Doctor of Metaphysics, Hynotherapist, Astrophsychologist, Motivational Speaker, Healer, Broadcaster
Guest Biography

Dr. Louis Turi, MDUS, World-Renown Author and Nostradamus Scholar

“The universe is under no obligation to make any SPIRITUAL sense to anyone”  Dr. Turi

Hello prospective listeners;

In this planetary radio show, Terania and I will enlighten you about metaphysics, the Cosmic Code jurisdictions or God Cosmic Divinity, the reality and purposes of extraterrestrials using the futuristic art and science of Astropsychology and Astroforensics.

We will discuss major worldly events, investigate the power of talismans, dream interpreations and various omens. We will also discuss the best way for you to use Nostradamus natural healings and perform mini psychic and Astro-Tarot readings.

But remember this radio show is primarly dedicated to our VIP's which will always be our first priority, thus join us to get our undivided attention and the best of our services!      

Our mission is to introduce you to the Cosmic Code and free your soul from fears and ignorance to help you develop more cosmic consciousness. You will hopefully, in time be able to perceive God, "Our Father in the heavens," in a new light and understand, heed and read the signs correctly, as the spirit intended for every one of us to do.

"God created the stars and the heavens for more than the sake of beauty, he gave them to you for interpretation so that; you may live a safer and more productive life". Paracelsus

You have been taught to respect the laws of physics, the rules of the road but now we are here to disclose a very old set of Universal laws that were kept secret from you. Those cosmic laws were cast aside, ridiculed and dismissed by the force of evil.

Ignoring God’s higher order has brought this world to its knees, where fears; chaos and endless religious wars became the norm. Let's explore and enjoy this rare cosmic wisdom imparted by all the wise men of the past and rekindle humankind's spiritual renaissance through our inspiring radio shows.

Do not Follow the Herd, Do not Fear Free your spirit with Louis and Terania Turi