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Steve Meadors has been coined as the proverbial "technical wizard" all his life. Anything he has touched, he has been able to implicitly understand, reassemble, or reproduce if need be. A graduate of Michigan Institute of Technology, Steve served five years in the U.S. Navy, gaining extensive experience in pneumatics and hydraulics. He then dabbled in the fields of construction, telecommunications, and computer programming.
Shawn & Sean talk Seahawks & the NFL with Digital Media Host Tony Ventrella. Sam Shane joins the show to talk sports, and his favorite moments of his broadcasting career.
Health Disclosure - Sequence to Obesity and Disease with Adam Masters on BBS Radio!
Community Talk with Ezell Clark and Fernanda Perez on BBS Radio.
Shadow Politics with Senator Michael D. Brown, from the District of Columbia and Kathleen Gomez discuss important issues affecting you, news and politics ranging from gun control, voting rights, immigration reform, DC Statehood and other relevant topics of the day. The show is not only informative but intertaining, and they both convey their opinions with humor, wit and a strong rapport.
This episode enhances the main idea of how ET information expands Yogic knowledge. It includes some Earth History, updated news of First Contact, high points of Seth material, Bashar's Big 4, how to change a belief, and includes Pleiadian 'Spinning Technique' along with the 'XYZ' meditation.
Dr. Carmen Boulter talks about the dangers of Wi-Fi, Interactive U, Egypt today and her next trips to Egypt. We go deep down the rabbit hole. As always, Carmen offers deep wisdom with the acumen and brilliance of a great teacher, one of the most brilliant minds on our planet today!
The Truth About Stem Cells with Don Margolis on BBS Radio - Show 25
The John Martin Talk Show - show 15 - with John Martin International Visionary and Healer, on BBS Radio!
Guest for this show include: Dr. Carol Richardson, Dr. Shandell Knights and Steven Gaffney