Reader of Hearts Radio with Scott Krajca and Darrin Owens

Reader of Hearts Radio is a dynamic broadcast of conscious conversations shifting listeners to higher realities. Provocative interviews with some of today’s leading spiritual advisors, master teachers and visionaries, transport the wisdom of the ages into ear candy for the soul.
A sacred catalyst of change is happening on this planet. Our souls are beginning to awaken on a deeper spiritual level and our universe is opening it’s supernatural truths to us more than ever before. Best-selling author and spiritual teacher Darrin W. Owens, along with his co-host Scott Krajca, bring together an incredible array of programs discussing the ever shifting perspectives to our global consciousness and cosmic destiny. Covering a dynamic range of topics, Reader of Hearts Radio, offers you the best of advice and teachings on higher consciousness, planetary changes, energy medicine, psychic studies, supernatural exploration and spiritual mastery. Join us for exciting and in-depth conversations in consciousness and let your mind open to new spiritual frontiers.
Talk Show Program Archives for Podcasting
Reader of Hearts Radio , August 16, 2014 | with Darrin Owens & Scott Krajca |
Reader of Hearts Radio , August 2, 2014 | with Darrin Owens & Scott Krajca |
Reader of Hearts Radio , July 19, 2014 | with Darrin Owens & Scott Krajca |
Darrin W. Owens is an internationally respected Psychic, Supernaturalist & Spiritual Teacher. Since 1995 he has maintained a highly successful psychic consulting practice offering divine guidance and healing to an international clientele. He is the best-selling author of Reader of Hearts: The Life and Teachings of a Reluctant Psychic, Becoming Masters of Light and Mysteries of the Supernatural.
Darrin W. Owens has brought authentic enlightenment to countless souls through a powerful psychic gift that he has carried since birth. The public awareness of his mystical beginnings was introduced in his first best-selling title, Reader of Hearts: The Life and Teachings of a Reluctant Psychic, from (New World Library). Darrin’s 2nd book, Becoming Masters of Light (A.R.E. Press), details the awakening processes of spiritual power. His 3rd and most recent title, Mysteries of the Supernatural (A.R.E. Press), delves into Darrin’s passionate studies and encounters with spiritualism and the paranormal.
Adding more levels to his professional list; Darrin is an ordained minister, certified hypnotherapist and a spiritual healer specializing in spirit releasement and vibrational healing. He has been a featured guest on Coast to Coast AM with George Noory and Edgar Cayce’s Reflections Radio.
Scott Krytsa / Storyteller
After I (and my two younger cousins) walked away from a plane crash that I piloted at nineteen years old, I knew that my life had just changed... for the better. Granted, it took many years of processing and going through the motions of life before I had my final "wake up" moment.
I had this moment where I could hear thoughts flying through my mind as I sat on my couch with a beer mindlessly flipping through television channel after television channel. It was in that moment I realized there was something going on that I needed to pay attention to. I dumped my beer. Turned off the cable box and sat in sweet silence. It was the beginning of a new life that I would soon embrace and open my heart up to more than I could ever imagine.
I spent many years searching for answers to: What is spirituality? How am I spiritual? How do I love God? What is God? How do I heal? How do I help others?
The search for these answers lead me down many paths and experiences. But it wasn't until I had an incredible psychic reading in Sedona, AZ that I was introduced to A Course in Miracles. Granted, the book sat on my shelf until I read Gary Renard's book "The Disappearance of the Universe."
So now, I blend what I have learned on this journey with the principles of A Course in Miracles. Please join me on this journey so that our minds may heal and we allow our Father/Mother in Heaven to take the last step and bring us back into the bosom of eternal bliss.