Darrin W. Owens is an internationally respected Psychic, Supernaturalist & Spiritual Teacher. Since 1995 he has maintained a highly successful psychic consulting practice offering divine guidance and healing to an international clientele. He is the best-selling author of Reader of Hearts: The Life and Teachings of a Reluctant Psychic, Becoming Masters of Light and Mysteries of the Supernatural.
Darrin W. Owens has brought authentic enlightenment to countless souls through a powerful psychic gift that he has carried since birth. The public awareness of his mystical beginnings was introduced in his first best-selling title, Reader of Hearts: The Life and Teachings of a Reluctant Psychic, from (New World Library). Darrin’s 2nd book, Becoming Masters of Light (A.R.E. Press), details the awakening processes of spiritual power. His 3rd and most recent title, Mysteries of the Supernatural (A.R.E. Press), delves into Darrin’s passionate studies and encounters with spiritualism and the paranormal.
Adding more levels to his professional list; Darrin is an ordained minister, certified hypnotherapist and a spiritual healer specializing in spirit releasement and vibrational healing. He has been a featured guest on Coast to Coast AM with George Noory and Edgar Cayce’s Reflections Radio.