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X Squared Radio, February 1, 2009

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Courtesy of BBS Radio

X-Squared Radio with Host Brooks Agnew
On BBS Radio

January 25, 2009

Walter Cruttenden

Walter W. Cruttenden is an amateur astronomer and archaeoastronomer with remarkable accomplishments. The Binary Research Institute was formed in 2001 to support and fund research regarding the hypothesis that the Sun is part of a binary star system. It is the goal of the Binary Research Institute to present evidence for this theory, showing that the motion of the sun along a binary orbital path can result in and better explain the same precessional motion that current LuniSolar and Earth Wobble theories attempt to account for.

X Squared Radio

X-Squared Radio with Dr. Brooks Alexander Agnew, banner
Show Host
Dr. Brooks Alexander Agnew

Dr. Brooks Agnew hosts a paranormal internet talk radio program interviewing top authorities on the mysteries of the Earth and the Universe. Hundreds of millions of people listen to talk radio while they travel or work. But in the audio sea of tinkling voices, one voice is emerging as master of the scientific domain.

A renaissance-man with a passion for discovery, Brooks A. Agnew, PhD has excited millions of people with the greatest story on the universe. His best-selling book, The Ark of Millions of Years, is changing the foundations of science and religion. He believes in the unlimited potential of mankind.

DR. BROOKS ALEXANDER AGNEW, PhD, an author, explorer, electronics engineer and physicist, is one of the most successful pioneers with ground probing radar technology, in the world. This technology is currently utilized in the Mars Express program.

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