Wish Upon A Star, February 4, 2015
Wish Upon A Star with Anndell V. Banks and special guest, Dr. Edith Moss Jackson
Edith Moss Jackson earned the master’s degree in Spanish literature at Harvard University and the doctorate in Spanish literature at the University of Pennsylvania. Currently a lecturer at Howard University, she authored Myth and Meaning: A Paradigmatic Analysis of Galdós’s Fortunata y Jacinta (2002), “Bajo construcción en carnaval: las identidades étnicas de algunas comparsas afro-argentinas del siglo XIX,” Konvergencias: Literatura (2007), and presented at national professional meetings and international conferences in Eritrea, Brazil, Canada, Ecuador, Panama, Peru, and Puerto Rico. She is also a recipient of Fulbright and John Hay Whitney fellowships.
Wish Upon A Star
"Wish Upon A Star" is a dynamic program dedicated to spotlighting talent in the arts arena. Conversations discussing the challenging elements of visual, musical, literary, painting, and the performing arts. We will interview professional guests in the fields of entertainment law, copyrighting, studio recording, songwriting, publishing, and other topics in these highly creative and challenging fields."