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Why Am I So Happy, July 12, 2016

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Why Am I So Happy
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with Guest David Lowe MS, PhD

Why Am I So Happy with Paula Vail

Interviewing David Lowe MS, PhD

Guest, David Low MS PhD

Guest Name
David Low MS PhD
David Low MS, PhD
Guest Occupation
Community Counseling & Religious Studies
Guest Biography

David Low, MS PhD is an author, former Adjunct Professor of Religion, drug counselor, and entertainer—a juggler for a few years out of college (which he still enjoys doing for charity groups). Today he does dreamwork, teaches meditation, and speaks on topics in popular spirituality and religion.

The first time David meditated in college, he had a powerful experience of light and transcendence. After getting his counseling degree he traveled extensively and visited different Hindu, Buddhist, Sikh, Sufi, Jewish, Christian, and Orthodox Sunni and Shi’ia Muslim groups, all the while recording sometimes “spectacular” dream experiences.

After getting initiation from his major teacher, David began having powerful dreams which ended up directing major decisions in his life, sometimes involving deities and other consistent entities aside from his teacher. In 2014, an epiphany” led him to write his first book, Universal Spiritual Philosophy and Practice: in Informal Textbook for Discerning Seekers.

His greatest passion is getting people to tune into more profound dimensions of spirituality, at both the personal and political levels. Aside from dreamwork, another tool he uses to do this is his “9-Point Spirituality System,” which helps people fine-tune what they are already doing in their lives to reach deeper levels of their own being.

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Why Am I So Happy

Why Am I So Happy with Paula Vail
Show Host
Paula Vail

I love sharing a smile or compliment with others and being a positive energy in the world. I am so grateful for the guests and listeners I come in contact with everyday through my shows. I wish to be a beacon of hope, light and Inspiration in a harsh world. A place where others can tune in to embrace the positivity of others, leaving them feeling uplifted and loved.

Paula Vail is an IAOTP Top Wellness Coach of the 2017 and​ IAOTP Top Female Professional of 2018.

Featured on FOX, ABC, NBC, CBS, The CW, Travel Weekly, The Tribune and many other major media outlets.

So Thrilled and Grateful! Thank you for all of your support!

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