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Reaching For The Gold, May 7, 2013

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Well Spouse and Degenerative Disorders
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Guests, Richard Anderson and Scott Penwell

Richard Anderson’s official title is Web site and forum administrator for Well Spouse. But his duties often encompass much more than those words might imply as he helps this group meet its mission of advocating and support well spouses, people are caregivers for their marital partners. He remains a valued spokesperson for that organization.

Scott Penwell has quite a story to share. He went to get medication for his mother who has a bone degenerative disorder and was in considerable pain. Well, what might have been a pretty procedural matter turned out to be more of an adventure than he had anticipated. In fact, government regulations plus what might be considered bumbling on the part of some medical professionals not only forced him to jump through hoops but also to travel many miles clear across the county.

Reaching For The Gold

Reaching For The Gold with Harriet Tramer
Show Host
Harriet Tramer

A publishing journalist and a college instructor Harriet finds that these two careers have much in common as they both demand honing communication skills every day. Harriet instructs her students almost exclusively online and her writing is published in print and over the web. Times change but the need to speak to your audience by being concise, yet intriguing, is key.

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