Voices of Courage, November 19, 2024
Voices Of Courage with Ken D Foster
The Courage to Repurpose Grief to Hope with Theresa Bruno - S3EP6
Today’s guest went from a piano bench to a jeweler’s bench as she overcame many trials and tragedies. Theresa Bruno shares her stories of resilience and adaptation. She challenges us to rethink tragic moments and move towards hope, rediscovery and success. Her unshakable attitude has taken her on a fascinating journey that she will share with us today.
Show Benefits:
~ Learn to turn tragedy into hope
~ Overcoming grief
~ Using self-expression to overcome obstacles
~ Explore the ups and downs of real life
Broadcast Bio:
As founder and designer for Jordan Alexander Jewelry, Theresa Bruno designed pieces for Oprah, Julia Roberts, Jennifer Hudson, Pink, and Michelle Obama, who named her a favorite designer. She is now host of The Soul Talks Podcast.
Theresa Bruno’s life reads like a fairy tale in many ways. Like life, though, fairy tales are often darkened with tragedy, and Theresa’s life is no exception. She has suffered more than her share of pain. However, she is still writing her story, and in this chapter, she is vanquishing the fear and shame that gutted her after her husband’s death and the sudden collapse of her business by bringing it into the light and talking about it- fearlessly.
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Voices of Courage

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