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Voices of Courage, February 3, 2019

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Voices of Courage
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with Patricia Diorio and Dr. Anita Sanchez

Today we discuss how to embrace our personal power, wisdom, and courage to take our lives to the next level.


What does it take to step into our power? How do we embrace our inner wisdom and be the most courageous version of our selves? The truth is that there's something deeper inside all of us when we raise our frequency and can get still and listen to the voice within.

My first guest, Patricia Diorio, is a transformational speaker committed to informing, inspiring, and motivating people to achieve their goals and dreams through an understanding of the science behind success. She joins me today to discuss raising our vibrational frequency and stepping into our personal power to manifest our own reality.

My second guest, Dr. Anita Sanchez, is a best-selling author and transformational leader who has spent four decades sharing indigenous wisdom with executives and their teams all over the world. She joins me today to talk about how "The Four Sacred Gifts" can help us respond to fear and anger and be in right relationship with ourselves and others.


We Discuss:

  • Embracing our personal power and becoming all we are meant to be
  • Tuning into our inner voice and learning how to raise our energetic frequency
  • The most effective ways for us to learn how to own our power and create our reality
  • Acknowledging and changing our programming and negative thought patterns
  • How our perspective on life changes when we raise ourselves to a higher vibration
  • Why we need to be more inclusive and connect with one another to unlock more wisdom
  • The importance of becoming aligned mentally, physically, spiritually, and psychologically
  • How "The Four Sacred Gifts" can help us respond to divisive emotions like fear and anger
  • What steps we can take today to become less isolated and more connected with others

Learn More About Ken D Foster


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Voices of Courage

Voices of Courage with Ken D Foster
Show Host
Ken D Foster

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Philosophy of Wisdom

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5:55 pm CT
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