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Quyns Empowerment Hour, November 28, 2015

Perto Herrera
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From Victims to Victors: Men Surviving Sexual Abuse
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with Quyn Lê Erichsen

Two men from different countries and cultures share a passion -- they strive to liberate men from the emotional turmoil of sexual trauma and break the silence of sexual abuse. Listen to a very moving interview with Perto Herrera, a survivor of severe sexual abuse, and Don Wright, founder of B.C. Society for Male Survivors of Sexual Abuse.

Guest, Don Wright

Guest Name
Don Wright
Don Wright
Guest Occupation
Founder and Executive Director of B.C. Society for Male Survivors of Sexual Abuse
Guest Biography

Don Wright, who holds a Master's of Education in Counselling Psychology, is the Founder and Executive Director of B. C. Society for Male Survivors of Sexual Abuse. This is the first agency in Canada mandated to provide recovery options for males who were victims of childhood sexual abuse, recent sexual assault or domestic violence. 

Over the years, Don has acted as a mentor and guide to the other new organizations across Canada that have subsequently been established.  Also, a former student, then staff therapist, moved to Japan, his home country, to establish the first agency in that country for male survivors.  Don has provided consultation to similar organizations in Great Britain, New Zealand and Australia.  He has also provided consultation to the Provincial and Federal governments regarding victims' issues. 

In addition to his administrative duties, Don supervises practicum students who have come to BCSMSSA from universities in eight countries.  Don is also responsible for providing all of the agency's conference and training seminars across Canada and the US. 

He also maintains a case load of individual and group therapy clients.  In his words “This is what the agency is all about and I don't want to lose sight of that”.

In 2001, the B. C. Human Rights commission awarded Don the B.C. Human Right Medal of Honour for his pioneering work in this field.

Guest, Perto Herrera

Guest Name
Perto Herrera
Perto Herrera
Guest Occupation
Author, Human Rights Activist, Speaker, Radio host, Humanitarian, Sexual Abuse Survivor, Civil War Survivor
Guest Biography

…After miraculously surviving the most horrid-unimaginable- unenviable sexual abuse as a boy…

A native of Chalatenango, El Salvador, Perto left his village as a refugee and escaped to Guatemala and Mexico. Perto is now living in Houston, Texas in the U.S.

Perto has since worked in different types of jobs, and has volunteered as a red cross blood processor and health and safety bilingual instructor. in 1997 perto organized his own company Ph homecare mgmt, llc. provided caregivers training, caregivers services, and care case management. After successfully managing his own company for 15 years, Perto Herrera became an author and continued his calling to help needy people, especially victims of sexual abuse and/or trapped in poverty......

Perto himself is a survivor of severe sexual molestation and abuse, as a young boy raised in a poverty-stricken family in a small village in El Salvador. The personal lessons learned had led the author to fulltime writing, speaking, and philanthropic efforts to help sexual abuse victims and individuals trapped in poverty......

Three to four times a year Herrera travels to meet face-to-face with sexual abuse victims, parents and family members of victims, and men who are abusers. In 2010 on an early trip to El Salvador, Perto actually met two of the men who sexually abused him as a boy, talked with them, hugged them, and forgave them. His message to victims is how to survive and escape from abuse through courage, faith, and concerted action. His message to parents is to believe their children and protect them, among anything and anybody......

Perto also has paid the costs to send six children to college to escape poverty and enter professions such as law, business and teaching. He has pledged to spend 75 percent of the proceeds from his books and conferences to help needy and/or abused persons. Perto’s personal story of abuse is told in his first book, “The Invincible Flying Eagle” … “El Aguila Invencible Volando” Book One. This painful and shocking memoir tells the story of how Perto was abused by 11 people (nine men and two women) over a period of five years until the day his saving grace – in the form of an eagle, attacked his most dangerous abuser. The eagle, Perto believes to be a messenger from God, guided him toward a safer place and a new chance at life...... I believed and understood the message and the messenger Perto says.

After escaping from his village as a pre-teen, Perto was captured by guerrilla forces and forced to serve as a child warrior in the rebel army. When refusing to use a rifle to kill anyone, Perto was punished several times but ended up being a radio operator for the commanding general. Lying to a priest about wanting to become a priest, Perto was able to escape the Army with the help of monks and lived in two convents in Central America before fleeing to Mexico and then to the United States......

Summing up his mission, Herrera says: “I want the needy ones and victims of abuse to know that they are not alone anymore. I am here for them as they strive toward the pinnacles of personal recovery.”......

Quyns Empowerment Hour

Quyn's Empowerment Hour with Quyn Lê Erichsen
Show Host
Quyn Lê Erichsen

Quyn's Empowerment Hour is a radio talk show aimed to inspire you, touch your heart and transform your life! Join Quyn every other Saturday 9PM PT for an hour of insight and inspiration for your heart, your spirit and your soul! The show discusses topics pertaining to empowerment and emotional and social well-being. You will hear from well-known experts and inspiring and amazing individuals sharing their expertise and their stories. You will also get to hear personal stories and experiences shared by listeners such as yourself. The show is aired every other Saturday 9PM Pacific Time and it reaches audience worldwide!

Quyn Lê Erichsen, M.Ed., is a Psychotherapist, Life Coach and Inspirational Speaker. Quyn's unique life experience as a blind woman, a boat person from Vietnam and a refugee has driven her to realise her dream of shining light where there is darkness, bringing hope to those in despair and healing the wounded hearts of many people in the world.

  • Courage To Come Back Award Finalist, 2015
  • Achievement of Excellency in Academia and Psychology, presented by Don Davies, Member of Parliament, 2010
  • The NEADS Equity Through Education Student Award, National Educational Association of Disabled Students, 2009
  • The AEBC National Achievement Scholarship, Alliance of Equality for Blind Canadians, 2005
  • The Dean's Honour List, McMaster University, 2003-2007
  • The Achievement Awards of Excellence, McMaster University, 2003, 2005
  • The University Scholarship, McMaster University, 2004, 2005
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