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The Veterans News Hour, August 5, 2019

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The Veterans News Hour
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Topics: VA and the claims process, veterans getting help, the 12 step process, and VA news

The Veterans News Hour with David Cory and Richard Hurley

Topics: VA and the claims process, veterans getting help, the 12 step process, and VA news

Tape 1:  Hear from Ryan, a U.S. Army Veteran, and his VA counselor, Melissa. Ryan had a difficult time transitioning from the service, but with the help of guidance and professional support provided by Melissa, he was able to go back to school and graduate.  (4:35 duration)
Tape 2:  After losing her roommate while serving in the Army, Catrina had a difficult time adjusting to civilian life. She began isolating herself from others and feeling stressed. When the flashbacks started, she knew it was time to get help. Learn how her Vet Center helped Catrina open up to her family. (Duration: 3:47)
Tape 3:  Ed, a U.S. Army Veteran, developed problems with drugs while in the service. Hear him and his daughter, Jasmine, talk about how mental health treatment helped him get his life back on track.  (Duration: 4:12)
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