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The Veterans News Hour, August 20, 2018

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The Veterans News Hour
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Veterans Transitioning to Civilian Life

The Veterans News Hour with David C Cory and Richard Hurley

Tape #1: Elliott had a difficult time transitioning from the Marines to civilian life. He experienced anger and anxiety. Through counseling at his local Vet Center, Elliott gained tools and coping skills to improve his mental health. He then returned to school and earned an associate degree. 

Tape #2: David is a veteran who had difficulty transitioning from service in Iraq to civilian life. He used alcohol and drugs to try to cope, until he ended up in the emergency room. After an ultimatum from his wife, David reached out to VA for treatment. Now, he says he’s a better father and husband because of it.

Tape#3: In the aftermath of Hurricane Mitch, Navy veteran Phillip witnessed death firsthand, which had a big impact on him. When he transitioned to civilian life, he withdrew from others, tried to cope with his pain using drugs, and eventually became homeless. He finally sought help from VA and has found a new purpose. 

Tape #4: Sarge was a squad leader in Vietnam, a role that caused him to feel survivor’s guilt long after he left the service. Despite having a loving family, Sarge was self-destructive and had bouts of anger. Treatment and sharing his story with others through songwriting helped him cope with PTSD.  Duration: 4:20

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