Tony Alamo, January 9, 2025
Tony Alamo with Tony Alamo World Wide Ministries, Program 683
They knew the Jews were the first Church. The true Church of God started on the day of Pentecost. They were all broke; they didn't have any money. Peter, a Jew, was the only Apostle that had a wife that we know of, and popes don't have wives—they're homosexuals, and Peter was no homosexual. Priests (most of them) are homosexuals and child molesters. That is the most satanic cult on the face of this earth, and the Lord said in His Word that it is THE MOTHER OF EVERY ABOMINATION ON THE FACE OF THIS EARTH. Either believe God or the news media. The media is Satan's mouth.
Tony Alamo
About Tony Alamo Worldwide Ministries
"The central purpose and mission of the Tony Alamo Christian Ministries is the great commission. To bring the gospel to the whole world as Christ commanded. To feed the hungry, visit the sick and imprisoned, and to offer help and hope to a lost and dying world."