Tony Alamo, January 24, 2025
Tony Alamo with Tony Alamo World Wide Ministries, Program 693
Verse 6, But this I say, he that soweth sparingly shall reap also sparingly. You people out in the world that are hanging onto your money because you don't trust God enough to know that if there is a gas crisis or whatever else is going on that your going to prosper by saving your money and as your saving it, it's dwindling down anyway. The best thing to do is seek the Lord to see if He wants you to tithe some of it, if He does do it. Because He'll send back 100 fold.
Tony Alamo

About Tony Alamo Worldwide Ministries
"The central purpose and mission of the Tony Alamo Christian Ministries is the great commission. To bring the gospel to the whole world as Christ commanded. To feed the hungry, visit the sick and imprisoned, and to offer help and hope to a lost and dying world."